Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Days 21 & 22: Awww NUTS!

I love using nuts in added protein and healthy fats, but also for their flavors and textures. Here are some fun ways to incorporate nuts into your diet...

The ones I always have around the house: 
Almonds (raw, sliced, slivered, butter)
Walnuts (raw whole, raw pieces)
Cashews (raw whole, raw pieces, butter, and currently a thai chili lime flavored bag from Trader Joe's)
Pistachios (shelled and lightly salted, unshelled)
Pine nuts (raw)
Peanuts (raw with skin, roasted with and without salt, butter creamy, not crunchy)
Hazelnuts (whole raw)

Mom says to store them in the fridge so that's what I do...I think that helps them from going rancid.

Here's an article on making your own nut butters with hints on add-ins to make your own special flavor...go wild with it, in fact...go nuts! :-)

Some favorite nutty foods:

Peanut butter, banana or thinly sliced apple on a multigrain or whole wheat toast (or waffle) topped with a light drizzle of honey and cinnamon (remember, cinnamon can lower the glycemic load of foods). Sometimes I add small walnut pieces to this

Strawberries, dried pineapple mashed together with cashew butter

A spoon of any nut butter in my morning oatmeal

Peanut butter, banana, soy or almond milk smoothie with a dash of nutmeg and cinnamon - great way to start the morning! Sometimes I add a spoon of ground flaxseed as well.

A variety of nuts on my salads...they taste even better after being roasted briefly in a dry hot pan or in the oven (toaster oven) just until they are warm and fragrant from their natural oils.

Don't forget to add to pastas, salads, some cooked greens, smoothies, and cereal! 

I would write more but the last couple days have been tough, and I need some sleep! Thanks for reading!!!